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Seduction Of Women - 3 Top Tips

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This entry was posted on 7/15/2006 12:59 AM and is filed under Dating,Women,sex,love.

The seduction of women is a science, and is never about getting lucky. You have the task of triggering the right feelings and emotions of interest in the woman you are trying to seduce. You have to put her in the exact right frame of attraction where she will see you as special. Do that and you will know what the seduction of women is all about. Here are my top 3 tips for seducing a woman of your choice...

1. You need to be the kind of guy who has self-confidence oozing out of your every pore -- not big-headed bravado. She needs to see the kind of self-confidence you only see in a man who knows what he's doing now, and knows exactly what he will do next. So show her that air of confidence and you're half-way there.

2. Be honest when you approach a woman. Don't mention the time you were an airline pilot, unless that's actually true and you can prove it. Even then, don't mention it as that comes over as boasting. Be modest in a confident and totally honest fashion. Give her a reason to trust you.

3. Always bring the conversation back to her. Gently discover what she likes, and what she dreams about, then turn the conversation in that direction. Don't talk about yourself. She may ask about you, but only tell the basics, then talk again about her. This will cultivate a slight air of mystery, which will only serve to enhance your standing.

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To most men the seduction of women is a mystery. But it needn't be so. Whether you are seducing younger women or older women, the principles are pretty much the same. Pay attention to the basic details and the seduction of women will soon become second nature to you!

John Coutts is an experienced author who writes on a variety of popular subjects. Did you find these tips useful? You can learn a lot more about the seduction of women from

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