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Pheromones - The Power of Sexual Response

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This entry was posted on 7/1/2006 12:05 AM and is filed under Psychology,Dating,sex,love.

What Are Pheromones?

The power of smell is undeniable, as the multi-billion dollar perfume industry testifies. But is it possible that secret, undetectable airborne chemicals influence humans? It appears so. These airborne chemicals, undetectable to humans, are called pheromones.

Pheromones are natural chemical scents the body produces in order to attract others. Scientific studies have actually shown that people who used synthesized pheromone had sex more often. According to researchers at the University of Chicago, “The power of scent is undeniable; humans are influenced by airborne chemicals undetectable as odors, called pheromones.” Their research revealed the first proof that humans produce and react to pheromones. Perhaps pheromone products tend to give guys a boost of confidence they need to ask women out and vice versa.

How Does Smell Work Anyway?

The sense of smell belongs to the chemical sensing system of our brain. This complicated process of begins when tiny molecules released by the substances around us stimulate special cells in the nose, mouth, or throat. These special sensory cells transmit messages through nerves to the brain where specific smells are identified. Smell nerve cells, or olfactory nerve cells are stimulated by the odors around us. Your brain processes all smells: bread baking, a field of flowers, or your wet dog. These nerve cells are found in a small patch of tissue high inside the nose. The olfactory sense is interpreted by the part of the brain that is connected to our emotions. Scents have a powerful effect on our moods.

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What Are Pheromones, Really?

Pheromones are naturally occurring chemicals that send out signals to the opposite sex (or the same sex) that trigger power sexual response.

The word “pheromone” is taken from the Greek words pherein, meaning “to transfer,” and hormon, meaning “to excite.” Pheromones are odorless, airborne chemical signals that are released by an individual into the environment. These chemicals affect the physiology or behavior of other members of the same species. Although pheromones have been shown to exist in virtually all species of insects and mammals, they also control the behavior of humans, acting as sexual attractants. The secretion of pheromones by humans is believed to dramatically increase both desirability and sexual attractiveness in both men and women.

Researchers at the University of Chicago say they have the first proof that humans produce and react to pheromones. In findings published in the journal Nature, the researchers claim they found that female ovulation can be regulate—made longer or shorter—through the use of pheromones. (Maybe something to try if you're looking for that someone special.) “The pheromones regulate the time of ovulation,” said Martha McClintock of the University of Chicago. “There are two pheromones—one that makes ovulation more likely and the other that suppresses it and makes it less likely.”

So, if you find yourself attracted to someone, but you don't know why, it may indeed be a certain scent that you find pleasing. Or, if you see someone you are attracted to, but when you meet them, the attraction is gone, again, it might be pheromones at work again.

You can search the Internet and find tons of pheromone products for sale. Buy with caution; many are just looking for your money.

Amy Otis is a registered nurse, a writer and an educator. She has devoted her life as an RN to the welfare of teenagers. She is the founder of a popular teen health site called Cool Nurse - Stop by, you might just learn something!

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